Isandlawana battlefields tour

Douglas Rattray at Cadogan Hall

Douglas Rattray at Cadogan Hall

Stories of the Anglo-Zulu war have endured for nearly a century and a half.

The famous battles of Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift have captured the interests and imaginations of countless people for generations, as they did in Victorian Britain.

The epic of Isandlwana was a battle that shook imperial Britain to its core and questioned the illusion of European superiority. How did a force, armed largely with spears and shields, overcome a modern British army? And then, as the blood dried on the field of Isandlwana, the battle of Rorke’s Drift began within sight of the Sphinx-like mountain. At this little mission station, a brave band of British soldiers – many sick and disabled – armed with Martini-Henry rifles and bayonets, held out all night against a force of 4,000 Zulu warriors.

Douglas Rattray, son of the late David Rattray, gives a captivating and vivid story of these two battles. Although this is usually done on the battlefields themselves, in June this year, Doug will be giving two talks in Cadogan Hall, London.

Douglas Rattray battlefields tours

Anyone who has heard Douglas speak on the battlefields of Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift will testify to his knowledge, passion and wonderful story-telling abilities. He brings the events of January 22, 1879, to life in a way bound to enthrall and captivate.

Tickets must be purchased through the Cadogan Hall website – visit or email for more information.

Contact Fugitives’ Drift Lodge
Tel. +27 87 285 1172, +27 34 271 8051