Classic Safari Africa

Green Season Safari at Changa Safari Camp

Green Season Safari at Changa Safari Camp

It’s a well-known and readily accepted fact that true luxury on safari comes not just from the fine food or the linen thread count, but from stunning surroundings and views, wonderful service and fascinating wildlife sightings.

There could not be a better summary of Changa Safari Camp at any time of year. But for now, we are happily focusing on Changa in the beautiful, and often under-rated, Green Season.

Helen Charlotte Photos - Changa February 2019-269

We believe all these qualities are beautifully enhanced by the freshness of the air, the rain-washed vivid mountain range, the magnificent skies reflected in the still surface of the lake, and the elephant families gathering in their numbers on the flood plain, relishing the abundance of food and providing much entertainment for our guests as they romp around in the mud and cool down.

Ellies at Changa

Does it get any better than this? Possibly! Friendly but unobtrusive, anticipating needs before they are realised, our staff take great delight in surprising guests with those small but priceless touches (how about the perfect sundowner set-up on the bank after a fishing trip, a private and wildly romantic honeymoon dinner or a morning cuppa brewed just the way you like it?). The Changa team, on both the service and guiding fronts, is inspired by Matusadona’s unique landscapes and motivated by guests who just love being there and are as energetic and cheerful as the darters, cormorants, and plovers on the shoreline.


Contact Changa Safari Camp
Tel. 0778 731 567 or 0774 108 708