Guide Training at The Hide

Guide Training at The Hide

Henry Ford said that anyone who keeps learning stays young and the same is true for our guides, who were put through their paces in April and came out younger than ever!

This year, The Hide held its first annual Guides Training Course in Hwange, concentrating on what it takes to be a professional safari guide in Zimbabwe. Ten professional and learner guides from The Hide and Changa Safari Camps gathered in Zimbabwe’s largest game reserve for the 4-day programme. Dave Christensen, an exceptional Zimbabwean walking guide and wildlife photographer, was the leader of the pack and although the group included seasoned guides (many know Daffy, Bruce, Teo, Sean, and Nkosi) amongst the less experienced, everyone took something away from this valuable exercise.


“Every day on the job you learn something new, but the course introduced us to different ideas, encouraged us to share experiences, discuss issues, and united us as a group…”

Zimbabwean guides are renowned for their high levels of professionalism and this comes from an arduous 5 or 6 years in training. It’s only passion and commitment that gets you through that. And having made that investment, it makes sense to keep learning and keep the passion alive. Learn more about the course here.

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Tel. +263 4 498835-6