Mkulumadzi’s Star Deck Experience

Mkulumadzi’s Star Deck Experience

The first guests to sleep out on Mkulumadzi’s star deck shared their account of the experience:

“We were staying for three nights at Mkulumadzi Lodge. I was already having an amazing time, with a beautiful location, super friendly staff and some great animal viewing and I wasn’t sure that it could get any better. However, for my birthday, my boyfriend decided to surprise me with a night staying on the star deck.  I was initially a little unsure – sleeping out under the stars? With the lions? I had only just got used to the spiders in the lodge! Tammy and Dave assured me that we would be completely safe and left us with a radio, in case anything did happen or we wanted to come back. As we drove through the darkness and approached the star deck I felt confident that this would be a very special experience and one that I wouldn’t want to miss out on.


The deck is a raised platform looking out over the park, complete with proper bed, mosquito net and (very importantly in my view) a proper toilet. We sat drinking champagne under the light of the (almost) full moon looking at the stars which were beautiful and I was right that this was very special. Sleeping was very comfortable too – looking up at the night sky, gently cooled by a light breeze. I feel very honoured to have been the first guests to try the star deck and it’s certainly a birthday that I will never forget! I would absolutely recommend it to all who aren’t afraid to try something a little different – it really did top off a wonderful stay in Majete.” 


Contact Mkulumadzi
Tel. +265 (0) 999 970 002/3