Victoria Falls Devil's Pool

Ruled by the River at Tongabezi

Ruled by the River at Tongabezi

The Zambezi River is in charge of our schedule here at Tongabezi.

In June, river levels dropped just enough to allow the reopening of Angel’s Pool. Soon we will be saying adieu to our exquisite moonbows, as the spray over the cataracts diminishes, but this means that we can once again explore the very top and the bottom of Victoria Falls to our heart’s content. Not to mention, Devil’s Pool will also open once the river is low enough.

Tongabezi Devil's Pool

There is an ethereal, raw beauty to the slow revelation of the geographic secrets of the deep fissures that have formed our gorges over millennia. The seasons of our river give all our guests many excuses to keep returning – the Zambezi has adventures aplenty to offer.

Contact Tongabezi Lodge
Tel. +260 213 327450
