Sights for Surprised Eyes at Cottars

Sights for Surprised Eyes at Cottars

What an amazing couple of months we’ve had here at Cottar’s 1920s Camp!

The migration came early which was a nice surprise for our guests staying with us in June. Since then it’s been all systems go and we’ve had some of the most amazing sightings! We’ve been on the edge of our Landcruiser car seats anticipating what’s going to come up next. Here are just a few of our most recent sightings:

7th July: Our guide, Ken and his guests had a great day recently, spotting the Big 5 all in one day! How amazing is that? Definitely the highlight of the day was spending some time with this rhino:

17th July: A dramatic crossing seen by Josphat Mako , Willy Mpatiany and their guests:

24th July: A bit of a cold and windy morning but what an amazing sight! A male Lion crossing the Sand River yesterday morning:

And here’s the juvenile African python, he’s huge!

So as you can see we’ve been kept very busy and very entertained lately. The Sand River even decided to get in on the action and it flooded for two days:

We’re enjoying keeping up with nature’s hustle and bustle, what a great start to the busy season.

Contact Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp:
Tel. +254 (0) 733 77 33 77