Taking Care of Tongabezi’s Dream Team

Taking Care of Tongabezi’s Dream Team

It is no secret that the success of Tongabezi is built on the people who run it.

Our team makes our guests love their time with us, and as a result, they often come back to visit us again. It is not unusual for staff to stay with us for many years, and Chande Nyangu is no exception.

A cornerstone of our activities department, Chande is a maestro of daily activity management at Tongabezi. His knowledge and experience as a guide is also irreplaceable. So, when what started as Chande stepping on a nail during a Victoria Falls tour with guests in September of 2016, ended in his leg having to be amputated to save his life, everyone scrambled to his assistance.

Chande was on his son’s Medical aid but as community care is the first order of business at Tongabezi we had a variety of safety nets in place to help Chande and his family along with their difficult journey. The Staff Welfare Committee looked after him at the hospital and at home. His salary was paid throughout his convalescence and taxi fares and his artificial prosthetic was bought for him. Chande has also had assistance to purchase his home from Tongabezi. His continued employment was ensured and when he returned to work in June 2017, it was a triumphant moment for the entire staff complement!


In his own words: “It was all very meaningful and accelerated my operation recovery process.”

Tongabezi’s insurer, SATIB, has also paid Chande US$20,000 to ensure that he continues to receive the special care he will need for the rest of his life.

Director of SATIB, Sean van der Maas said: “Tongabezi has been longstanding clients of SATIB for many years. It was therefore with deep regret that we heard about the unfortunate incident that led to Chande’s amputation. Since this was clearly going to affect his future ability to work, it was great to be in a position where Tongabezi had been able to provide for this eventuality, to one of their employees, via an insurance product that we had been able to advise them on and provide for them. It is moments like this that make our work worthwhile and I think Tongabezi should be applauded for the consideration they have for staff members, their welfare, their education and their health. We as SATIB are proud to be associated with them and very happy that Chande was able to be provided for in this way.”

Much noise is made about big commitments to eco and community tourism in the 21st Century, it is such a privilege to see the change in practice and know that we are leading the charge.

Contact Tongabezi Lodge:
Web. www.tongabezi.com
Email. reservations@tongabezi.com
Tel. +260 213 327450