wolwedans chicken coup opening

Wolwedans Poultry Coup and Organic Gardening Extension

Wolwedans Poultry Coup and Organic Gardening Extension

During 2019, activities at Wolwedans reached fever pitch, not only with the ongoing renovations at all of our camps and lodges but more importantly, with the creation of the Chicken Hilton, as it has become affectionately known.

Chicken Coup


A generous donor, who was enticed by the vision of reducing our carbon footprint, by aiming to procure more of our food on-site, invested into the construction of the coup, to which a duck pond was also added, introducing another type of poultry too

The chicken coup has been built to house 69 chickens in extreme comfort and located neatly around the expanded organic vegetable garden, which complements our existing herb and salad garden.

The menu at Wolwedans isn’t just designed for the guests, it’s also a key ingredient, in the curriculum being trained vocationally, at the Wolwedans Desert Academy, based there. The school trains Namibian youngsters in Hospitality and Training, specializing in Commercial Cookery and Food and Beverage Services, up to level 3. The trainees are exposed to the learning philosophy tailored by Wolwedans, called the Living Classroom, where trainees are given a balanced approach to learning through theory and practical exposure. This hands-on training allows trainees to grasp various, skills, otherwise lost in highly theory-based learning centers.

With the aim of introducing qualifications in horticulture as well as facility maintenance to the suite, the on-site facilities, like the chicken coup and organic garden, appear to be the perfect fit, for the desert-based economy, at Wolwedans.

Organic Garden Sprinklers

Contact Wolwedans Dune Camp
Web. www.wolwedans.com
Email. reservations@wolwedans.com
Tel. + 264 – 61 – 230 616