Cheers to 2020 with a word from our Managing Partner, Fritz Vorster:
“Allow me to thank all of you, our wonderful agents and suppliers! Due to you, 2019 was another successfully busy year at Onguma and we have been fortunate enough to have more highs than lows.
We managed to host a good number of educationals and are looking forward to hosting a lot more ‘Onguma Jols’ over the coming year. And, our most exciting news to share with you first is that we have received good rains and the veld is recovering well. Our sustainability projects are continually evolving and our anti-poaching teams are fully operational, highly effective and we have seen a drastic reduction in incursions and poaching.
Our resident cheetah mom has again managed to raise 4 cubs and offers wonderful sightings for guests whilst delighting our guides as they watch the cubs grow from fluffy gangly creatures to sleek and beautiful predators.
There are a lot of exciting things going on and planned for 2020 but it might be a bit premature to expand on them now… suffice to say guests will delight and we will have a first in Namibia – a concept conceived late at night on an educational with input from our agents.
So, once again we thank you for your continued support and are excited about the year and decade ahead in partnership with you.”
New: Young Explorer’s Walk
A family safari is one of the best gifts you can give children as they are inspired to explore the African bush and enjoy learning in a fun and interactive way! It is with this in mind that we have launched our Young Explorer’s Walk at Onguma.
Aimed at our younger visitors, they follow a bush path that takes them on an adventure through various clearings where they get up close and personal with termite mounds, various animal skulls, and horns, test their balancing and shooting skills with ‘Katties’ (local name for handheld slingshots), track spoor, shoot with bows and arrows and learn about the old hunting and gathering ways that our African forefathers used before culminating with a craft session where they can take home something they have made from their own experience.
Please click here for our official photos.
Our first Young Explorer’s Walk was tested by one of our ‘Onguma Jol’ fam trips and they rated it as one of the most fun and educational activities! See below for some antics!

Images of the walk are available here.
Please contact Storm on for more information.
Contact Onguma Nature Reserve
Tel. +264 (0) 61 237055